Why I Became a Celebrant

The Day I Decided To Become A Celebrant

Back in 2011 I had the honour of being my brother’s best man. It was a beautiful Autumn day in Toronto. The caterers were catering, the photographers were photographing, the guests were…drinking.

Everything was going per the timeline almost to the minute–every couple’s dream!

Just before the ceremony was scheduled to start, my brother turns to me and asks me to let the celebrant know we are about 5 minutes away from ‘go-time’.

As the dutiful best man that I was, away I went in search of the celebrant. Only problem was–the celebrant didn’t show up!

I frantically searched every corner of the venue only to realise my search was futile. After repeated calls, I finally reached the celebrant who said…”That was TODAY?!”

It turns out the City of Toronto switched up their date format from MM/DD/YYYY to the (far-superior) DD/MM/YYYY. So instead of 10-Sep-2011, the celebrant had penciled in 9-Oct-2011. Talk about a sticky wicket*.

* Courtesy of ‘Australian Idioms for Dummies and/or Canadians’

Luckily old mate was just at home balancing a bowl of salt and vinegar chips on his belly watching Jersey Shore re-runs (this is speculation but I am nearly 100% certain this is what was happening).

In the hour it took him to race to the venue, it was up to me to stand up at the front periodically and assure the gathered guests that there was no run-away bride and drink service would recommence shortly. (Unexpectedly, the latter news appeared far more comforting)

Each time I got up there, I was filled with an indescribable energy and sense of happiness. It was as though I was a satellite dish gathering everyone’s good vibes. Any shred of shyness, doubt, and placidity was banished and replaced with confidence, energy, and the sense that I was exactly where I belong.

It’s kind of like, have you ever seen a interview with an athlete that was monotone, low energy and lacking any passion? But then to see them later on completely different as though they were utterly possessed? That day I felt like I had finally found my field, my pitch, my arena.

Later that day I delivered my best man speech and again felt that same energy (Link here). To put it modestly, I smashed it.

After that I was absolutely hooked. I went to Toastmasters meetings, volunteered to run trainings at work, stood on a soapbox in the park (don’t knock it till you try it!)

Nothing has made me happier than when a groom hugged me after their ceremony and thanked me for being their celebrant. And not even a bro-hug, it was like a full-on, ‘haven’t-seen-you-in-years-and-thought-I-lost-you’ hug. It was something that money could not ever replicate**.

** For tax reasons I cannot accepts hugs as payment. Because then I need to venture down to the ATO to somehow give out 32.5% of a hug, which can get messy.

But enough about my story, I’d rather hear yours! We can talk about anything; what makes you tick, plans for your wedding, or even your favourite Shore (i.e. Jersey, Geordie or Pauly).


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